The new CEO Monoj Kumar & COO Tarak Bajpai have given a video message to fellow Speak Asians that in this hour of difficulty don’t get misguided by media and the news. COO Tarak Bajpai’s video message have requested to all the panelist, that whereever they are sharing this wonderful business opportunity, do not use this word, ‘Investment’.
New CEO Monoj Kumar, during the video message shared with other Speak Asians that when the news of Speak Asia settels down, then he will be on all India tour to meet as many Speak Asians as possible.
Both CEO & COO have asked Speak Asians to maintain peace & wherever possible reply calmly to people who are raising questions on Speak Asia Online.
Here are the video messages of CEO Manoj Kumar & COO Tarak Bajpai.
New CEO Monoj Kumar, during the video message shared with other Speak Asians that when the news of Speak Asia settels down, then he will be on all India tour to meet as many Speak Asians as possible.
Both CEO & COO have asked Speak Asians to maintain peace & wherever possible reply calmly to people who are raising questions on Speak Asia Online.
Here are the video messages of CEO Manoj Kumar & COO Tarak Bajpai.
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